Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

  1. Group III Hydride Precursors for the Metalorganic Vapour Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE) of (AlGa)As/GaAs Heterostructures, H.Protzmann, T.Marschner, O.Zsebök, W.Stolz, E.O.Göbel, R.Dorn and J.Lorberth, J. Cryst. Growth 115, 248 (1991).
  2. Synthesis of Gallane-Amine Adducts as Potential Precursors for GaAs and (AlGa)As MOVPE Processes and the Crystal Structure of the {gallane.1,3-bis(dimethylamino)propane} Adduct H3Ga.N(CH3)2(CH2)3N(CH3)2, J.Lorberth, R.Dorn, S.Wocadlo, W.Massa, E.O.Göbel, T.Marschner, H.Protzmann, O.Zsebök and W.Stolz, Advanced Materials 4, 576 (1992).
  3. Amino-Arsine and -Phosphine Compounds for the MOVPE of III-V Semiconductors, G.Zimmermann, H.Protzmann, T.Marschner, O.Zsebök, W.Stolz, E.O.Göbel, P.Gimmnich, J.Lorberth, T.Filz, P.Kurpas and W.Richter, J. Cryst. Growth 129, 37 (1993).
  4. Metal-Organic Vapour-Phase Epitaxial Growth of Symmetrically Strained (GaIn)As/Ga(PAs) Superlattices, S.Lutgen, T.Marschner, T.F.Albrecht, W.Stolz, E.O.Göbel and L.Tapfer, Proc. EMRS Spring-Meeting, Straßburg 1993, Mat. Science and B21, 249 (1993).
  5. Improvements in the Heteroepitaxial Growth of GaAs on Si by MOVPE, T.Marschner, W.Stolz, E.O.Göbel, F.Phillipp, M.Müller and J.Lorberth, Proc. EMRS Spring-Meeting, Straßburg 1993, Mat. Science and B21, 266 (1993).
  6. Optical Properties of Symmetrically Strained (GaIn)As/Ga(PAs) Superlattices Grown by Metalorganic Vapour Phase Epitaxy, S.Lutgen, T.F.Albrecht, T.Marschner, W.Stolz and E.O.Göbel, Solid State Electronics 37, 905 (1994).
  7. GaAs Substrate Pretreatment and Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy of GaAs, AlAs and (AlGa)As Using b-Eliminating Trialkyl-As-Precursors, G.Zimmermann, Z.Spika, T.Marschner, B.Spill, W.Stolz, E.O.Göbel, P.Gimmnich, J.Lorberth, A.Greiling and A.Salzmann, Proc. IC-MOVPE, Yokohama 1994, J. Cryst. Growth 145, 512 (1994).
  8. Strain-Induced Changes in Epitaxial Layer Morphology of Highly-Strained III/V-Semiconductor Heterostructures, T.Marschner, S.Lutgen, M.Volk, W.Stolz, E.O.Göbel, N.Y.Jin-Phillipp and F.Phillipp, Superlattices and Microstructures 15, 183 (1994).
  9. Atomic Incorporation Efficiencies for Strained (GaIn)As/Ga(PAs) Superlattices Grown by Metalorganic Vapour Phase Epitaxy, S.Lutgen, T.Marschner, W.Stolz, E.O.Göbel and L.Tapfer, J. Cryst. Growth 152, 1 (1995).
  10. Exciton-LO-Phonon Quantum Kinetics: Evidence of Memory Effects in Bulk GaAs, L.Banyai, D.B.Tran Thoai, E.Reitsamer, H.Haug, D.Steinbach, M.U.Wehner, M.Wegener, T.Marschner and W.Stolz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 2188 (1995).
  11. Carrier Effective Masses in Symmetrically Strained (GaIn)As/Ga(PAs) Multiple Quantum Well Structures, M.Volk, S.Lutgen, T.Marschner, W.Stolz, E.O.Göbel, P.C.M.Christianen and J.C.Maan, Phys. Rev. B 52, 11096 (1995).
  12. TEM Study on Defect Reduction in GaAs on Si Heteroepitaxial Layers Grown by MOVPE, N.Y.Jin-Phillipp, F.Phillipp, T.Marschner, W.Stolz and E.O. Göbel, J. Cryst. Growth 158, 28 (1996).
  13. Magnetooptical Investigations of Symmetrically Strained (GaIn)As/Ga(PAs) Multiple Quantum Well Structures, M.Volk, S.Lutgen, T.Marschner, W.Stolz, E.O.Göbel, P.C.M.Christianen and J.C.Maan, Proc. MSS-7, Madrid 1995, Solid State Electronics 40, 585 (1996).
  14. Strain Induced Self Organized Growth of Lateral Periodic Strained Layer Superlattices on Off-Oriented Substrates by Metalorganic Vapour Phase Epitaxy, T.Marschner, L.Tapfer, N.Y.Jin-Phillipp, F.Phillipp, S.Lutgen, M.Volk, W.Stolz and E.O.Göbel, Proc. MSS-7, Madrid 1995, Solid State Electronics 40, 819 (1996).
  15. New Developments of Less Toxic Group-V Precursors for the MOVPE of III-V-Semiconductors: In-Situ Formation of As-H-Functions by Thermal b-Elimination of Specific As-Trialkyl Compounds, G.Zimmermann, Z.Spika, T.Marschner, W.Stolz, E.O.Göbel, P.Gimmnich, R.Becker, J.Lorberth, A.Greiling and A.Salzmann, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 35, 2035 (1996).
  16. Optical Bistability in Symmetrically Strained (GaIn)As/Ga(PAs) Superlattices, G.Bastian, G.v.Plessen, J.Feldmann, J.Hader, T.Marschner, W.Stolz and E.O.Göbel, Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 308 (1996).
  17. Spectrally-Resolved Four-Wave-Mixing Experiments on Bulk GaAs with 14fs-Pulses, M.U.Wehner, D.Steinbach, M.Wegener, T.Marschner and W.Stolz, J. of the Opt. Soc. of America B 13, 977 (1996).
  18. Investigations of the Structural Stability of Highly Strained ((Al)GaIn)As/Ga(PAs) Multiple Quantum Wells, T.Marschner, S.Lutgen, M.Volk, W.Stolz and E.O.Göbel, Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 2249 (1996).
  19. Femtosecond White Light Spectroscopy on Symmetrically Strained (GaIn)As/Ga(PAs) Multiple Quantum Wells, M.Perner, J.Feldmann, D.Weber, T.Marschner, W.Stolz, E.O.Göbel and U.Lemmer, Proc. QELC, Technical Digest Series, Conference Edition, Vol.10, 61 (1996).
  20. Growth and Structural Properties of (GaIn)As/Ga(PAs) Intentionally Disordered Superlattice Structures, R.Rettig, T.Marschner, L.Tapfer, W.Stolz and E.O.Göbel, Proc. IC-MOVPE, Cardiff 1996, J. Cryst. Growth 170, 748 (1997).
  21. Structural Ordering and Interface Morphology in Symmetrically Strained (GaIn)As/Ga(PAs) Superlattices Grown on Off-Oriented GaAs(100), C.Giannini, L.Tapfer, Y.Zhuang, L.De Caro, T.Marschner and W.Stolz, Phys. Rev. B 55, 5276 (1997).
  22. Lateral Periodicity in Highly-Strained (GaIn)As/Ga(PAs) Superlattices Investigated by X-Ray Scattering techniques, Y.Zhuang, C.Giannini, L.Tapfer, T.Marschner and W.Stolz, Il Nuovo Cimente 19D, 377 (1997).
  23. Diffuse X-Ray Reflection from Multilayers with Stepped Interfaces, V.Holy, C.Giannini, L.Tapfer, T.Marschner and W.Stolz, Phys. Rev. B 55, 9960 (1997).
  24. Effects of Tensile Strain and Substrate Off-Orientation on the CBE Growth of GaInAs/InP Multiple Quantum Well Structures, T.Marschner, R.T.H.Rongen, M.R.Leys, H.Vonk, F.D.Tichelaar and J.H.Wolter, Proc. MBE-9, Malibu 1996, J. Cryst. Growth 175/176, 1081 (1997).
  25. Epitaxial Layer Morphology of Highly Strained GaInAs/InP Multiple Quantum Well Structures Grown by CBE, T.Marschner, F.D.Tichelaar, M.R.Leys, R.T.H.Rongen, C.A.Verschuren, H.Vonk and J.H.Wolter, Proc. NIS, Lyon 1996, Microelectronics J. 28, 849 (1997).
  26. Thickness Modulations in Symetrically Strained III-V Semiconductor Superlattices Grown by MOVPE, N.Y.Jin-Phillipp, F.Phillipp, T.Marschner and W.Stolz, J. of Mat. Science: Materials in Electronics 8, 289 (1997).
  27. Cation Sublattice Ordering in GaxIn1-xAs Quantum Wells: Evidence from Electron-Phonon Interaction, A.Yu.Silov, T.Marschner, M.R.Leys, J.E.M.Haverkort and J.H.Wolter, Proc. OECS-5, Göttingen 1997, Physica Status Solidi (A) 164, 145 (1997).
  28. Relaxation Dynamics of Excitons and Electron-Hole Pairs Studied by Spatiotemporal Pump and Probe Experiments, S.Grosse, R.Arnold, A.Kriele, G.von Plessen, J.P.Kotthaus, J.Feldmann, R.Rettig, T.Marschner and W.Stolz, Quantum Optoelectronics 9, 65 (1997).
  29. X-Ray Interference Effect as a Tool for the Structural Investigation of GaInAs/InP Multiple Quantum Wells, T.Marschner, J.Brübach, C.A.Verschuren, M.R.Leys and J.H.Wolter, J. Appl. Phys. 83, 3630 (1998).
  30. X-Ray Diffraction Study of Intentionally Disordered (GaIn)As/Ga(PAs) Heterostructures, R.Rettig, T.Marschner, W.Stolz and L.Tapfer, J. Appl. Phys. 84, 237 (1998).
  31. XRD Investigation of the Relaxation of InAsP Layers Grown by CBE on (100) InP, T.Marschner, M.R.Leys, H.Vonk and J.H.Wolter, Proc. MSS-8, Santa Barbara 1997, Physica E 2, 873 (1998).
  32. A Modified BCF Model to Quantitatively Describe the (100) Growth Rate in Chemical Beam Epitaxy, C.A.Verschuren, M.R.Leys, T.Marschner, H.Vonk and J.H.Wolter, Proc. IC-CBE, Montreaux 1997, J. Cryst. Growth 188, 11 (1998).
  33. CD Control Comparison of Step and Repeat versus Step and Scan DUV Lithography for Sub-0.25μm Gate Printing, K.Ronse, M.Maenhoudt, T.Marschner, L.Van den hove, B.Streefkerk, J.Finders, J.van Schoot, P.Luehrmann and A.Minvielle, SPIE Microlithography Conference 1998, Proc. SPIE 3334, p56 (1998).
  34. Some Challenges for Mask Making to Keep up with the Roadmap, R.Jonckheere, J.Randall, T.Marschner and K.Ronse, BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology and Management, Proc. SPIE 3546, p313 (1998).
  35. Qualification of Electrical Linewidth Measurements (ELM) as a Metrology Tool for 0.18μm and Below, T.Marschner, I.Pollentier, C.Baerts, I.Boltz, K.Ronse, L.Van den hove, J.Finders, H.K.Gangala and L.Capodieci, Proc. OMM Interface 98, p263 (1998).
  36. Sub-0.25 Micron Lithography Applying Illumination Pupil Filtering (Quadrupole) on a DUV Step-and-repeat System, J.Finders, A.M.Mulders, J.Krist, D.Flagallo, P.Luehrmann, M.Maenhoudt, T.Marschner, P.de Bisschop and K.Ronse, Proc. OMM Interface 98, p81 (1998).
  37. The Role of LV-SEM Reticle CD Measurements on DUV Lithography, T.Marschner, I.Pollentier, G.Potoms, R.Jonckheere, K.Ronse and M.Polli, SPIE Microlithography Conference 1999, Proc. SPIE 3677, p830 (1999).
  38. CD Control Comparison of Strong Resolution Enhancement Techniques for Sub-0.18μm Gate Patterning Using 248-nm Lithography, G.Vandenberghe, T.Marschner, K.Ronse, R.J.Socha and M.V.Dusa, SPIE Microlithography Conference 1999, Proc. SPIE 3679, p228 (1999).
  39. Intra-Wafer CD Control in State-of-the-Art Lithography, I.Pollentier, G.Grozev, C.Baerts, T.Marschner, K.Ronse, M.Reybrouck, SPIE Microlithography Conference 1999, Proc. SPIE 3679, p882 (1999).
  40. Variable Threshold Resist Models for Lithography Simulation, J.Randall, K.Ronse, T.Marschner, M.Goethals and M.Ercken, SPIE Microlithography Conference 1999, Proc. SPIE 3679, p176 (1999).
  41. Strain-Induced Patterning in Superlattices - Comparison of Morphological Ordering and Strain Ordering, Baumbach, C. Giannini, D. Lübbert, R. Felici, L. Tapfer, T. Marschner, W. Stolz, ESRF Highlights, p.87-88 (1998).
  42. Strain-driven transition from stepped interfaces to regularly spaced macrosteps in (GaIn)As/Ga(PAs) symmetrically strained superlattices, C.Giannini, T.Baumbach, D.Lübbert, R.Felici, L.Tapfer, T.Marschner, W.Stolz, N.Y.Jin-Phillipp and F.Phillipp, Phys. Rev. B 61, 2173 (2000).
  43. Investigation of strain induced patterning in superlattices by grazing incidence diffraction - comparison of morphological and strain ordering, Baumbach, C. Giannini, D. Lübbert, R. Felici, L. Tapfer, T. Marschner, W. Stolz, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 32, A212-A215 (1999).
  44. Reticle imaging and metrology using a CD-SEM at IMEC, A.James, F.Felten, J.England, T.Marschner, G.Vandenberghe, 16th European Conference on Mask Technology for Integrated Circuits and Microcomponents 1999, Proc SPIE 3996, p128 (2000).
  45. Exploring Capabilities of Electrical Linewidth Measurements (ELM) Techniques, V.Rangelov, M.Sarstedt, J.Somerville, T.Marschner, R.Jonckheere, A.Poelaert, Proc. MNE Jena 2000, Microelectronic Engineering 57-58, p.673 (2001).
  46. Determination of Best Focus and Exposure Dose using CD-SEM Side-wall Imaging, T.Marschner, G.Eytan, O.Dror, SPIE Microlithography Conference 2001, Proc. SPIE 4344, p.355 (2001).
  47. 193nm Resists: A Status report (Part 2), E.C.Richter, L.Völkel, T.Marschner, S.Machill, Future Fab Volume 13 (2002).
  48. Characterisation of 193nm Resist Layers by CD-SEM Sidewall Imaging, T.Marschner, C.Stief, SPIE Microlithography Conference 2003, Proc. SPIE 5038, p892 (2003).
  49. Implementation of Scatterometry enabling 193nm Litho and Etch Process Control for the 110nm Technology Node and Beyond, T.Hingst, T.Marschner, M.Mört, M.Guevremont, J.Hopkins, SPIE Microlithography Conference 2003, Proc. SPIE 5038, p274 (2003).
  50. Precision and Accuracy of CD-SEM Profile Reconstruction for the 110 Technology Node, T.Marschner, C.Stief, Proc. IEEE/SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference ASMC 2003, p.53.
  51. Characterisation of Lithography Performance in high end Semiconductor Manufacturing with Electrical Linewidth Measurements, P.Fernandez-Martinez, T.Marschner, C.Fülber, J.W.Bartha, Future Fab Volume 16, p.134 (2004).
  52. In line measurements of the side wall angles for litho process tool monitoring using profile reconstruction capabilities of a CD SEM, C.Stief, T.Marschner, A.Lee, S.Jank, A.Esser, Proc. IEEE/SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference ASMC 2004, p.482 (2004).
  53. 193nm Resist Roughness Characterisation and Process Propagation Investigation Using a CD-SEM, T.Marschner, A.Lee, S.Fuchs, L.Völkel, C.Stief, SPIE Microlithography Conference 2004, Proc. SPIE 5375, p.477 (2004).
  54. Characterisation of Lithography Performance in high end Semiconductor Manufacturing with Electrical Linewidth Measurements, P.Fernandez-Martinez, T.Marschner, C.Fülber, J.W.Bartha, Presentation at AEC/APC Europe Conference Dresden 2004.
  55. Characterisation of 193nm Resist Layers by CD-SEM Sidewall Imaging, T.Marschner, C.Stief, Journal of Microlithography, Microfabrication and Microsystems, Vol.4(1), 013007 (2005).
  56. Qualification of an Integrated Scatterometer for CD Measurements of Sub-100nm Resist Structures in a High-Volume 300mm DRAM Production Environment, T.Marschner, G.Fleischer, S.Fuchs, M.Friedrich, U.Kramer, M.Voigt, D.Hetzer, SPIE Microlithography Conference 2005, Proc. SPIE 5752, p603 (2005).
  57. Impact of Averaging of CD-SEM Measurements on Process Stability in a Full Volume DRAM Production Environment, T.Marschner, U.Kramer, A.Lee, C.Stief, SPIE Microlithography Conference 2005, Proc. SPIE 5752, p711 (2005).
  58. Automatic CD-SEM Offline Recipe Creation for OPC Qualification and Process Monitoring in a DRAM Pilot-Fab Environment, U.Kramer, T.Marschner, D.Kaiser, M.Winking, C.Stief, S.Ventola, D.Lewitzki, Z.Abraham, O.Menadeva, S.Shukrun, SPIE Microlithography Conference 2006, Proc. SPIE 6152, p61520L (2006).
  59. Application of Integrated Scatterometry Measurements for a Wafer-Level Litho Feed-back Loop in a High-Volume 300mm DRAM Production Environment, U.Kramer, G.Fleischer, T.Marschner, S.Hornig, H.Weichert, D.Hetzer, SPIE Microlithography Conference 2006, Proc. SPIE 6152, p615509 (2006).
  60. Challenges and Methodology of Fab-to-fab CD-SEM Matching , T.Marschner, U.Kramer, K.Muehlstaedt, A.Navarra, J.Moffitt, C.Stief, S.Ventola, D.Gscheidlen, U.Groh, T.Burroughs, Proc. IEEE/SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference ASMC 2006, p.228-232.
  61. CAD based Line/Space Mix-up Prevention for Reticle Metrology, T.Marschner, M.Enger, F.Ludewig, R.Falah, S.Latinsky, O.Lindman, T.Coleman, SPIE Advanced Lithography Conference 2007, Proc. SPIE 6518, p65181W (2007).
  62. Advanced Edge Roughness Measurement Application for Mask Metrology, T.Marschner, J.Richter, U.Dersch, A.Moran, R.Katz, D.Chase, R.Falah, T.Coleman, SPIE Advanced Lithography Conference 2007, Proc. SPIE 6518, p65181R (2007).
  63. Matching of Different CD-Metrology Tools for Global CD Signature on Photomasks, E.-M.Zerbe, T.Marschner, J.Richter, C.Utzny, Photomask Japan Conference 2007, Proc. SPIE 6607, p660729 (2007).
  64. Calibration of contact areas: the influence of corner rounding, J.Richter, T.Marschner, E.-M.Zerbe, SPIE Photomask Technology Conference 2007, Proc SPIE 6730, p67303B (2007).
  65. Gate Edge Roughness in Electron Beam Direct Write and its Influence to Device Characteristics, Kang-Hoon Choi, R.Dittrich, M.Goldbach, C.Hohle, K.Keil, T.Marschner, M.Tesauro, F.Thrum, R.Zimmermann, J.Kretz, SPIE Advanced Lithography Conference 2008, Proc. SPIE 6921, p69210J (2008).
  66. Metrology Challenges in Self-Aligned Double Patterning, T.Marschner, Presentation at the European Applied Materials Technical Forum (AMTF) Brussels and Dresden, May 2008.
  67. Model-free and model-based methods for dimensional metrology during the lifetime of a product, P.Weidner, A.Kasic, T.Hingst, C.Ehlers, S.Philipp, T.Marschner, M.Moert, 9th International Symposium for Laser Metrology, Singapore (2008).
  68. Pitch Fragmentation Induced Odd/Even Effects in a 36nm Floating Gate NAND Technology, F.Beug, T.Hoehr, T.Melde, T.Müller, R.Reichelt, L.Müller-Meskamp, P.Geiser, T.Geppert, L.Bach, U.Bewersdorff-Sarlette, O.Kenny, D.Olligs, S.Brandl, T.Marschner, S.Parascandola, S.Meyer, S.Riedel, M.Specht, D.Manger, R.Knöfler, K.Knobloch, P.Kratzert, C.Ludwig, K.-H.Küsters, Proc. Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium NVMTS 2008, p.1-5.
  69. Large Area Thin Film Solar Modules with 10% Efficiency for Mass Production, S.Klein, S.Wieder, S.Buschbaum, K.Schwanitz, T.Stolley, I.E.Vermeir, D.Severin, P.Obermeyer, M.Kress, E.Sommer, T.Marschner, M.Martini, S.Noll-Baumann, U.I.Schmidt, A.Straub K.Ahmed, K.Schuegraf, Proc 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference PVSEC Valencia 2010, p2708 - 2712.
  70. Scribing Defects in CIGS Modules, B.Misic, U.Schweitzer, R.Modlmeier, J.P.Theisen, H.Kaestner, A.Marienfeld, T.Marschner, B.E.Pieter, U.Rau, Proc. 27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference PVSEC Frankfurt 2012, p2179-2191.
  71. Photovoltaik mit Dünnschicht Modulen - Prozess, Messtechnik und Anwendung, T.Marschner, Vortrag im Elektrotechnisches Kolloquium des VDE (Fachhochschule Düsseldorf).
  72. Qualification of an In-line Spectroscopic Photoluminescence System for CIGS Process Characterization, P.Theisen, T.Marschner, M.Wendt, S.Uredat, , Proc. 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference PVSEC Paris 2013, p2422-2425
  73. Thermography and Electroluminescence Imaging of Scribing Failures in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin Film Solar Modules, B.Misic, B.E.Pieters, U.Schweitzer, R.Modlmeir, F.Carrasco, A.Kümmerer, H. Kästner, A. Marienfeld, J.P.Theisen, W.Henschel, T.Marschner, K.Orgassa, A.Gerber, U.Rau, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Application, submitted for publication.